Friday, August 21, 2015

The Right Time

The Universe, from its very existence has been driven by various forces. Humans being one among those forces. Times have changed and we, in 21st century have come to be more practical and independent souls. Increased stress levels and fast pace of life have drastically taken a toll over our lives. As we all know, whatever good or bad happens, life cannot and will not stop. 

In this trendy and developed world people love being on their own. But at the same time yearn for a life partner who would divide their sorrows and multiply their happiness. We most often get to hear about the increasing divorce rates, but we also get to see couples who are more like friends. Talking in Indian terms, be it love marriage or arranged, one big question that kind of haunts the married couples unknowingly is " When is the right time?".  Surprised or Skeptical about which right time am I talking about?. I'am sure about 50% of you might have guessed it right. Yes! indeed its the right time for kids. You may be modern in your thoughts and you may act independent but you cannot escape the questions from our elders about 1+1=3 theory (I address it that way). I'am in no way trying to disprove the thoughts of our elders of wanting to see and play with their grandchildren. I completely respect their thought and I'am sure I would also have same thoughts when i'am one of them. 

How and when this question should arise is the actual issue?. I also cannot deny the fact that its not always the elders from whom this question gets fired. In some situations couples find it difficult to decide the actual right time, when there is least pressure from parents. Mind it I said " actual right time ", which includes being influenced by their friends who are enjoying their right time or other factors. Elders might sometimes get emotional and completely forget the fact that every couple need their own sweet time to understand each other completely and then decide on when they would want to welcome a new member to the family. This doesn't mean couple who have had kid a bit early have been pressurized or are not happy with their new phase of life. Its finally the couple's decision which matters to have kids now, after a year, after 5 years, adopt a kid, even not have kids. 

The only thing I would want every couple to know is, do not get pressurized by whomsoever, do not get influenced by whatsoever , do what is right for you at that time coz no one else knows your priorities in life better than yourself. If you decide on settling things in life for now and have a baby after 3 or 4 years then respect that thought and go about it. I particularly say this because in most cases when you decide on having a baby after sometime then u get to hear ugly things like u r getting old and u will repent if you are unable to have it later and all such crappy stuffs. In such unavoidable situations only one thing will help you decide you better and that is "Ignoring the negatives" and at the same time believing in your decision that whatever be the end result I shall not regret. 

My intensions were here were purely to help people who have lost confidence on their journey towards better life. Wrapping it up I would say belief in oneself is what will take you long way.