Thursday, June 26, 2014


Gone are the days when India was infected by the fatal disease of female infanticide. I wouldn't say the country has completely overcome it, but, things are much better now. Families are considered to be incomplete without a girl. Parents now are putting in extra efforts to educate their daughters. Also, in India, women as an individual is much more diverse in her thoughts and is not limiting herself to just being a home maker. I offer my credits to every individual I have met till now and who have played their own sweet role in my life. They are the reason for me being able to write at least two lines about my metamorphosis.

I really have been a blessed child. As a kid I was treated equally with my brother. Being the youngest, I was pampered, but at the same time was well aware of the consequences of overdoing things. I literally enjoyed every damn thing which any upper middle class kid would have in his/her childhood. When I look back and think what is one thing I haven't done in my childhood?, I see that i'am left with an answer of nothing. Music, sports, arts, curricular u name it and i was into it. I specially mentioned this not to prove that I was super talented kid back then, but just to showcase how fortunate I was to having being exposed to the competitive world. Back then I took every music lesson of mine as a boring session but now when I'am, able to sing two lines of any song its only because of my music guru. May be at that time i did not know what I wanted to achieve in future but surely was confident that I will fare well in which ever field I would be into. Be it parents, family, extended family, friends, teachers, each one of them have been the influential pillars of my life.

I was more of a daddy's girl in my early teens and came on to be more close to my mom as I graduated to which my father still complaints. I still keep hearing the stories from my mom of how happy my father was when he first took me in his arms, how he used to take care of me when I was unwell. she said after I was born my dad transformed from being a short tempered person to the most patient individual (I personally also have seen some part of his transformation). My brother gets emotional if its something related to me and to him i'am his strength as well as weakness. This only makes me realize how important and precious I'am to them.

Its a dream of every parent to watch their daughter getting married. In India, even though things are changing rapidly, the tradition of arranged marriage still persists and works out to be successful in most cases. I too was one among them. Families agreed and the guy left no stone unturned to sweep me off my feet  and took me to be an integral part of his life. Most of the time the only thing that girls are worried about is how well will they gel along with the members of a completely new family. In my case I was kinda relaxed because my new family members ( i would prefer this instead of in-laws) were supportive and were more than happy to have me. It is kinda difficult in the initial stages when you are confused and scared. Things eventually change, you get used to people and people get used to you. You kinda get the knack of dealing with people. All this might sound easy but it rather requires patience and the willingness to accept people as they are.

On a bright sunny evening, in my patio ( balcony as we call it in india) sipping my evening chai, when i think of various stages of my life till date, I wonder when did i transform from a spoilt little brat to being a women?. Even though we are ignorant and naive when young, v still have our subconscious mind making note of every event and every act. We get influenced of all the things happening around us in some or the other way. Nobody does a class room learning to talk to people or react to situations. Learning from your past mistakes and sometimes other's mistakes, one can hope to build a better future.

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