Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Mini Trimesters

Trimesters!!!!! yes you guessed it right!!

There have been some transformations in life since my last blog, where, I wrote about the right time for the couple to welcome a new member into the family. I'am glad and happy to announce that me and my husband were able to finally decide on our right time, which started off in August 2015. I consider myself very very lucky in a way, as the journey has been extremely wonderful.

The whole purpose of this blog is to share all my pregnancy experiences. It all started on August 16, 2015 when I missed my pretty perfect 27 days period cycle. The moment I missed, I was sure of the reason, but, just to confirm I did the strip test and the rest is history I can say... I saw the two pink lines and it took some time for me to digest the fact that mini( my nickname) is going to be mini mom!! I immediately took a picture of my pregnancy strip and sent it to my husband, who was jumping in joy in his office.

As many of you might already be aware that trimester system is universally understood in pregnancy journey. Likewise I thought I will split up my journey into three chapters indicating the trimesters respectively. During pregnancy even though majority of the things you feel are similar to what other pregnant women experience, but some of the experiences are quite unique to oneself.  I will try and pen down what I felt and experienced in each phase/ month and also what measures I undertook to overcome any discomforts.

Chapter 1: First Trimester ( Month 1-3 of pregnancy)
This phase I would say was a little messed up as I was hit mildly by nausea and heavily by mood swings. Being a big Bollywood buzz I knew about the puking drill, but I was unaware that it would be a bit overwhelming... I particularly hated the smell of cooked toor daal. It was only few selected fruits which came to my rescue for the first two months. This was the time when I actually lost a lot of weight ( about 4 kgs). But, now when I hold my little one in my arms, I feel every bit of discomfort that I experienced was worth it.

As I slowly approached the end of the first trimester, all the nausea stuff started getting better and better. One thing I would suggest all the ladies in this phase is, however tough it might feel, do not fail to take your meds. You might not like something or everything, but please do not attempt on going empty stomach to bed..Of course the doctor visits during this phase are extremely necessary and kind of relieving too... 

Chapter 2: Second Trimester (Month 4-6 of pregnancy)

This was the most happiest phase out of the three trimesters.  My doc told me at the start of it that this would be the honeymoon phase of my pregnancy with least discomforts and lots of cravings. She was right coz my nauseous mornings disappeared and I started feeling more energetic.. I still keep thinking about the sudden burst of energy and sense of obedience that came my way in this phase. During this stage, the bloating thing hit me hard, I used to feel full with very little food. So, I had to split my meals into 5 parts, breakfast, a short pre lunch break, lunch, afternoon snack break and dinner. I particularly had huge craving for milk and milk products, so I never missed my morning and evening cup of milk.

 At the start of this phase I was experiencing a strange thing. I was feeling as if there was a gas bubble struck in my tummy. As days passed, I started feeling that moving all around the belly, and no sooner I discovered that it was my little baby, who was making his presence felt. This phase was indeed a special one. Me and my husband decided to go for gender check. Even though we were desperately wanting a baby girl, the note from the doctor that the baby's development was going really good was more satisfying.

I cannot completely deny the  fact that I did face some discomforts during this period, it would range from bloating to little difficulty in breathing and feeling the pressure of the developing baby on my ribs. Amidst all of the discomforts, I never stopped my morning yoga sessions and never let the feeling of being pregnant affect me in doing my regular chores. As a matter of fact, I did a whole lot of cleaning and gardening work.

Chapter 3: Third Trimester (Month 7-9 of pregnancy)

The opening part of this chapter was nothing different from the last one , but as I progressed, I did realize that it is going to be a little difficult in terms of fear of how I would manage myself. On one hand I was worrying about the after delivery life and on the other I was so happy for the fact that I had a proper timings set for my meals and all other activities of my day. I personally felt that the fact of me not working and being at home during pregnancy, actually made me less stressful.

I loved long drives and most of the days, we would finish dinner by 7:45pm and go out for drives. Also, we would go window shopping in huge stores likes Walmart to finish off my day's walking. by the time we were back home i would have already dozed off in the car. I did a bit of travel during this phase which was a feel good thing for me then. Coming to the bodily changes, Yes the baby was gaining weight and which of course was very evident from the size of my tummy. The pressure on my ribs and my lower abdomen increased and every time I had to pee I would feel that my mucus plug would come out.

Activity wise I was doing the same amount of work, or rather I used to a little extra, which would aid in sleeping.. I was blessed with good sleep through out my pregnancy. Timely food and medications were like second nature to me by now. Adding to the excitement, the monthly Doctor visits now became weekly. Also, we took up the hospital tour and the couple classes offered by the hospital and I should agree, that it did prepare me and specially my husband in welcoming the new member..

I was a month away from my due date and my parents joined us. It was all together a different joy to be with your parents and specially with your mother during this time. I was really fortunate to have my mother( who happens to be a gynecologist) besides me during the time of the delivery. The arrival of my parents kind of made me get into a comfort zone and made me feel more relaxed. As we approached the due date the only thing we were looking out for was "A minute apart contractions". Every time my doc told me to report immediately if I felt contractions, I always used to wonder how they would actually feel. But when I had them, my god!!!! April 22, 2016 around 5pm, i could not forget them till date. But as the saying goes, All's well that ends well, all that pain all that discomfort suddenly vanished with the arrival of my beautiful boy on April 23, 2016 . It surely was a rebirth for me and my husband. There hasn't been and will never be any device which would measure the joy that a parent feels after holding their child. Its simply BLISS.....

Thank you God for this wonderful journey you made us( me and husband) go through. It surely has taught us much. This journey of 9 months and its end result were so strong and powerful that it will keep us going through our lives and help us learn much more as we take up our future new phases of life.

And now for the little tit-bits of my pregnancy. The most important aspects during pregnancy I believe are the three F's

  • FOOD
  • FOTO ( modified it to fit into the rhyme)
I'am sure your trimesters also revolve around these three things. You always think about the best you can eat, the best maternity photo shoot you can get and the best you can keep yourself fit during your pregnancy. Here is a sneak peak into my schedule of food, my maternity pics and my daily exercise routine that I strictly followed. 


This was pretty much my daily food routine ( meal and fruit-nut breaks)







                                                               THANK YOU ALL

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